Caribbean Highly Migratory Species Small Boat Permit Modernization
Conservación ConCiencia
This project supported Conservación ConCiencia in the U.S. Caribbean to implement and catalyze the adoption of EM on small vessels with federal Highly Migratory Species permits. This is the only component of the HMS fishery that lacks advanced monitoring systems, due to challenges that include high costs, vessel size, and a lack of appropriate monitoring systems.
One of the most notable successes was the willingness for commercial fishers to utilize EM on their vessels given that no tracking, VMS, or any other type of EM has been implemented in Puerto Rico before. The industry is also leveraging EM as a way to demonstrate accountability and command a higher price for their catch, including through the local Puerto Rico Sustainable seafood campaign “Pesca Responsible.” The EM work of Conservación ConCiencia also provides a template for expansion into other fisheries and areas of the Caribbean.